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We are students of Secondary electrotechnical school in Kosice. The school was founded in 1967. The study lasts for 4 years and is finished with the School living examination. The study at our school provides more academic education. We have many attractive activities as you can read in the following paragraphs.


The talented students can show other students their skills and abilities, or hobies in the TALENTARIUM. They sing, play on the musical instruments. They can show object which they collect. The students amuse themselves and have a good time.


In the begginig of the new school year we have welcome party for new students which is called IMATRIKULACIA. It is ceremony in which new students swear loyalty to school and school rules. Because in our school we have mostly boys we usually invite girls from other schools.


In the end of study on our school is Gratuated´s party which is called STUZKOVA. In this party class teacher gives to students green ribbon as a symbol of hope. And succesful finishing the study. It is connected with party and performance of students.


Typical tradicion for our school is also school trip in each school year. It takes place usally in May or June before the end of school year. The trip is connected with seeing new places and visiting factories to see and know new tochologies. It is funny for all students because they can know each other better. Also we have sports competitions in football, voleyball and basketball.


Becase we are special technical school our students can take part in competition in special technical subjects which is called Stredoskolska odborna cinnost (SECONDARY SPECIAL ACTIVITIES).


We have more activities which you can know when you come and visit our school but in our opinion – as we are the students of fourth year, these are the most atractive ones.