A/D converter
Parameters of the bean.
Bean name - Name of the bean.
A/D converter - A/D converter device.
Sharing - This property allows sharing of the ADC device by other beans. However, enabling it means that some features may not be available, e.g., disabling Interrupt service/event.
Interrupt service/event - Bean uses the interrupt service for the conversion.
A/D channels - List of the pins used by an A/D converter. You may add/delete a pin item with the +/- buttons, and select a pin for each item with the roll-down menu.
One item of the list looks like:
Channel0 - Number of the channel.
A/D prescaler - Prescaler associated with the A/D converter.
A/D resolution - Maximum data resolution required by application.
Conversion time - Time for one conversion. It is necessary to type here both a value and an unit (see Timing Setting Syntax). The setting may be made with the help of the Timing dialog box that opens when clicking on the button .
These settings are supported only for Freescale HCS12/HCS12X derivatives.
Sample time - Select length of the sample time in units of ADC conversion clock cycles. This selection affects the total conversion time and the A/D conversion accuracy ( a longer sample time results in a better accuracy).
External trigger - Allows to synchronize A/D conversion with an external signal. Triggering functionality is disabled after initialization and user has to enable it using EnableExtTrigger or EnableExtChanTrigger methods. When this feature is enabled, and at least one of the methods EnableExtTrigger, EnableExtChanTrigger is enabled, and interrupt service/event is disabled, then the number of conversions has to be set to 1.
Result mode - Select a data format of the A/D conversion result. GetValue and GetChanValue methods return a byte value for the Right justified mode and the 8-bit resolution, a word values for the Right justified mode and the 10-bit resolution, a word value (0 - 65536) for the Left justified/unsigned mode and an integer value (-32768 - 32767) for the Left justified/signed mode.
Autoscan mode - This setting allows exploiting the ability of HW to measure all selected channels without any SW support. When Enabled the measurement using Measure and Start methods is faster (if number of channels is greater than 1), but the A/D channels must be consecutively selected in the bean. Further the EnableExtTrigger method is not available. When autoscan mode is set to Disabled the EnableExtChanTrigger method is not available.
Recovery time - This property specifies a reference recovery time after the device was switched-on.
Stop in wait mode - If this property is set to 'yes', the power of the device is allowed to be powered down in Wait mode and the power consumption of CPU is reduced.
These settings are supported only for Freescale 56800, HCS12X and HCS08 AW60, QG8, QG4 and RT16 derivatives.
Number of conversions - Number of conversions for one measurement (to calculate an average value, 1-255).
Note: if the number corresponds to power of 2 (2, 4, 8,...) the compiler can better optimize the calculation of the average.
Initialization - Initial settings (after power-on or reset).
CPU clock/speed selection - Settings for the CPU speed modes: it shows whether the bean supports it or not.
For details about speed modes please refer to page Speed Modes Support.
The following items are visible only if integration of Processor Expert with Simulink supported.
HighInputLimit - High limit of input source which corresponds with high limit of output.
LowInputLimit - Low limit of input source which corresponds with low limit of output.
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