Bean ADC
A/D converter

Events are functions called when some important event occurred and its processing starts.


  • EventModule - Name of the user module (without extension), where the events from this bean are placed.
  • BeforeNewSpeed - This event is called when the CPU speed mode is being changed (using CPU methods) - before the change. The event is enabled only if speed modes are supported in the target CPU bean (more than one speed mode).

      ANSIC prototype: void BeforeNewSpeed(void)

  • AfterNewSpeed - This event is called when the CPU speed mode is being changed (using CPU methods) - after the change. The event is enabled only if speed modes are supported in the target CPU bean (more than one speed mode).

      ANSIC prototype: void AfterNewSpeed(void)

  • OnEnd - This event is called after the measurement (which consists of 1 or more conversions) is/are finished.

      ANSIC prototype: void OnEnd(void)
    • Priority - OnEnd priority. Default value is based on the interrupt priority defined in property A/D interrupt priority. For details see description below of the page.

  • Events for Freescale HCS12 derivatives.
    • OnTrgOverrun - This event is called when active edges are detected while a conversion sequence is in process. This event is available only when Trigger feature is enabled and Trigger active property is set to a falling or rising edge.

        ANSIC prototype: void OnTrgOverrun(void)
      • Priority - OnEnd priority. Default value is based on the interrupt priority defined in property A/D interrupt priority. For details see description below of the page.

For each generated event it is possible to set:

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