Obrázok 1.
data transceiver module (only one antenna required). It
allows a half-duplex two-way radio transmission with fast Rx-Tx switching.
A wide LF bandwidth allows 2400 baud (max) in reception, using a
Manchester coding system.
Pin-out 1)
výstupov 1) Zem 2) TX data vstup 0V=Tx Vypnuté 5V= Tx trvalo zapnuté 6) Zem 8) Tx +5V napájanie 9) Anténa 10-14) Zem 16) Zem 20) Zem 22) RX analog výstup 23) RX digital výstup 24) N.U. 25) RX +5V napájanie
Specification *
High-miniaturization SIL thick-film hybrid circuit ; Consumption @ +5V * Tx section £
4.5 mA with square wave
modulation ; Application note Transmitting
& receiving RS 232 data Transmission of digital data using the RTF-DATA-SAW transmitter/receiver module requires an understanding of the characteristics of the module in order to implement a halfduplex data link.Vysielanie digitálnych dát s použitím modulu RTF-DATA-SAW vysielača/prjímača vyžaduje pochopenie vlastností modulu za účelom implementovať poloduplexné dátové prepojenie. Digital
data meaning Digital data consists of ls and 0s, or "bits".
When transmitted over an RF link, data is sent as a serial stream, one bit
at a time. Many different data formats may be used, but the RS-232 format
is universally known and is often used. RS 232 protocol The electrical signals defined by
the RS-232C standard are a little odd by modern standards. For data
signals, a "0" is represented by a voltage between +5 and +25V
and a "1"' by a voltage between -5V and -12V,i.e. negative true.
The control lines, when used, are the other way up, with a "1"
being a voltage of +5V to +25V, i.e. positive true. For this reason, in
nonstandard applications, it is normal to use the more conventional levels
of 0V for a "0" and +5V for a "1", still with the
RS-232 data format, as this interfaces directly to standard logic. The RS-232 standard is to all intents an asynchronous data transmission protocol. Each transmitted word or frame consists of a Start bit, 5 to 8 Data bits, possibly a parity bit and one or more Stop bits. By far the most used format is 8 Data bits, no parity and one Stop bit, usually expressed as "8N1" (see Fig. 1). This is the format that will be used in the following discussion. Štandardný signál RS-232 je pre všetky účely jeden asinchrónny prenosový protokol. Každé prenášané slovo alebo prenášaný rámec (mohli by sme povedať aj elementárne dátové kvantum) pozostáva zo Štart bitu, 5 alebo 8 Dátových bitov, možného paritného bitu, a z jedného alebo viac Stop bitov. Najčastejšie použíaným formátom je 8 Dátových bitov, žiadna parita a jeden Stop bit, zvyčajne zobrazovaný aj ako "8N1" (viď. obr. 10. The Start bit is used to synchronise the receiver decoder with the transmitted data. The Data bits contain the information, least significant bit first. The Stop bit is the "space" between consecutive words. There is no limit to the number of words that can be transmitted in this way. Transmission speed is measured in bits per second, otherwise known as the Baud rate. Common rates are 1200, 2400 and 4800 Baud. Štart bit sa používa na synchronizáciu dekodéra prijímača s vysielanými dátami. Dátové bity obsahujú informáciu, najmenej významný bit je prvý (t.j. D0). Stop bit predstavuje priestor medzi dvomi po sebe nasledovanými slovami. (Pozn.: Stop bit musí mať minimálne rovnakú dĺžku ako dátové bity a Štart bit.). Nie je žiaden limit na počet prenášaných slov ktoré sa touto cestou prenesú. Prenosová rýchlosť sa meria v bitoch za sekundu, inak známa aj ako Baudová rýchlosť. Bežne používané rýchlosti sú 1200, 2400 a 4800 Baud. (Poznámka. 9600, ... a viac v dnešnej dobe) The
maximum Baud rate that can be used is limited by the bit time approaching
the transmitter turn-on and turn-off times . 1200 Baud ...........833 ms/bit ............. 8.33 ms/word (ms/dtové slovo)2400 Baud ...........416 ms/bit ............. 4.16 ms/word 4800 Baud ...........208 ms/bit ............. 2.08 ms/word Transmitter
The transmitter is turned "On", or keyed, with
+5V on Pin 2. Vysielanie dát typu RS-232 sa uskutočňuje použitím pozitívnych - pravdivých signálov, pri ktorom logická "1" zapína vysielač. Z toho dôvodu Start bit by mal zapnúť vysielač "On" a potom po odoslaní Data bitov, Stop bit by mal vrátiť vysielač do kľudového (Off) stavu. SAW rezonátoru trvá určitú dobu kým sa štartne a stopne. Typický čas štartu je 50μs a čas pre stop 10μs. Aj keď, tieto časy nie sú konštantné. Z toho dôvodu maximálna frekvencia ktorá sa dá spoľahlivo dosiahnúť s RTF modulom je 4800 Baud-ov. A second limit comes from the use of an RC network on Pin
2 to limit the slew-rate of the keying signal and to control the
transmitted bandwidth . Receiver The output stage of the super-regenerative receiver is
shown in Figure 2. For intermittent signals consisting of single words or
short strings of words with a relatively long no-signal time, this method
of generating a digital output is entirely adeguate.
However it can cause problems when the long-term mark/space
ratio of the received signal moves too far away from unity. This problem can occur whenever AC amplification is used
when processing unencoded RS-232 data. Na vyriešenie tohto problému je práve vhodné kódovanie typu Manchester, ktorý bude vysvetlený neskôr. The second time-constant formed by Rc and C must be
considered . This would cause long delays at switch-on or when
switching from transmit to receive, as the detector is saturated when the
module is transmitting.
To avoid this, RC is bypassed by an active device. This
limits the voltage across it and ensures that receiver sensitivity
recovers to within 10 dB of normal in around 50 to 100 ms and then to
within 2 dB after another 200 to 300 ms.
The pass-band of the receiver is about 5 KHz.
Fig. 1 RS-232 word with 8 Data bits, no parity and one Stop bit, using positive logic and 5V levels . Fig. 1 Segnale RS232 già a 0÷5V composto da n° 1 bit START, n° 8 bit DATI e n° 1 Bit STOP. Il livello START è posto a +0V. I dati sono "bassi" se 0V, "alti" se 5V; bit STOP: 5V.
Fig. 2
Electrical diagram of Receiver (LF) . Manchester
encoding Manchester codes have been around for a long time. The
type described here is known as the Manchester II code and has several
advantages over other methods of coding for transmission over channels
with AC amplification.
Like FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) it does not contain long
strings of 1s or 0s. Figures 3a, b, & c Illustrate the encoding of RS-232
words containing alternating 1s and 0s, all 0s and all 1s.
The encoding is simply an exclusive-OR function between
the data and a clock frequency of twice the bit rate. This can be carried
out either in software, if a microprocessor or microcontroller is
generating the data to be transmitted, or using an XOR gate and perhaps a
D-type to synchronise the data to the clock frequency if required.
Decoding is a simple matter of detecting a long pulse
period, which indicates that the decoder output must change . If the long
period is a 1, then the output must become a 1, if the pulse is a 0 then
the output must become a 0. This function can be easily accomplished in
software or with a little more complexity, in discrete logic. There are two drawbacks to this scheme. One is that the
maximum Baud rate that can be transmitted using the RTF module
drops from 4800 to 2400; the other is that transmitter power consumption
rises as it is continuously transmitting, unlike the situation with
unencoded RS-232 data.